Before after dent repair 1
before after tesla dent repair 1

PDR - Paintless Dent Repair

Do you have a nasty dent or unsightly ding on your vehicle?  Don’t spend a ton of cash and above all, time at an Auto Repair Shop.  Our Professional PDR -Paintless Dent Repair Team is ready to transform your car!  We will make virtually any ding disappear with our Paint-less Dent Removal System. Our team has years of experience, and are ready to work on your Car, Truck, or SUV. OC Best when it comes to getting the job done right. Finally, all our work is guaranteed, you will be happy with your repair, or you don’t pay.

  • Free Estimates  – Call us today. You can send us a picture of the damage via text.
  • Most repairs will almost always cost below your auto insurance deductible
  • We guaranteed all our work, if your ding is still visible, no payment will be required
  • Paintless Repairs.
  • We guarantee that your vehicle’s paint will not be damaged.
  • Polish and Buffing Services available to remove scratches
  • Free Gold Wash with most Ding/Dent Services
  • All our Dent Removal services are performed by appointment only

Make sure to visit our PROMOTIONS page to see the latest coupons and discounts available.

Quote: Text pictures (few angles, point to dent on pictures) to 949-682-8468

Please give us a CALL if you have any questions, or if would like to schedule an appointment.


  • How long does an average dent repair take?

    Repairs only take about 30-60 minutes to complete.

  • Do I need an appointment for Dent Repair?

    Yes, appointments are required, please call to schedule an appointment.

  • How can I find out how much a Dent Repair will cost me?

    Please text a pictures of the dent (couple angles, point to dent on picture) to 949-682-8468

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